Writer, Editor and Media Professional with 15 Years’ Experience. Currently Leading a Financial Newsletter Business with 200,000+ Subscribers.

“Hey, who’s this guy?”

I’m Alex. For the past 15 years, I’ve worked in and around the newsletter publishing industry - both as a creative and as a marketer.

Over a successful career that began at one of the the world’s leading publishers of academic reference materials, I’ve had the opportunity to work with bestselling authors like Joel Salatin and Mark Mahaney… award-winning investment analysts… and social media influencers with 500,000+ followers.

As a copywriter, I’ve written promotional materials that have brought in tens of thousands of leads and generated more than $6 million in sales. I’ve built, led and managed editorial teams comprised of more than a dozen writers, editors and proofreaders.

Since 2010, I’ve written hundreds of articles, essays, eBooks and research reports (and edited many thousands more). I’ve hosted webinars and podcasts, emceed flagship corporate events, led editorial workshops and spoken at conferences across the U.S. and Canada. I was even the costar of a popular YouTube series that taught the basics of investing - such as opening a brokerage account, evaluating stocks and getting started with options.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere else?”

I’ve had fiction and nonfiction published in places like Salon, Yahoo, Fatherly and Thought Catalog. And my work as a freelance video editor has been picked up by Huffington Post, PBS, Rolling Stone, Thrillist and other fine outlets around the web. (One of my projects - “An Ode to Movie Mainframes” - was even played at the opening of a cybersecurity conference in Helsinki.)

I’ve been quoted in Fast Company, The Daily Dot and The Business of Content, and my work has been cited in Open Screens Journal.

Keep scrolling for some recent samples of my work. (And thanks for stopping by.)



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